Eiffel Liberty -> Eiffel -> Struggle '98 -> Call for Participation

The Eiffel Struggle '98

Awards for class libraries and applications in Eiffel
Call for participation

This competition is organized by NICE, and sponsored by:

Eiffel Forum
Eiffel Liberty Journal
Everything Eiffel
Halstenbach ACT
Interactive Software Engineering
NICE, the Eiffel Consortium
Object Tools
Tower Technology


1. Rules

  1. Any individual or organization may participate, except the judges.
  2. To enter, submit an Eiffel application or library.
  3. You may submit any number of entries.
  4. It must be possible to build the software using some Eiffel development system. Please indicate the system and version number with which your entry was built.
  5. The entries should be submitted as compressed collections of files (either in .zip or gzip format) as a mime attachement to struggle@eiffel-forum.org.
  6. The software must be documented in English. Excellent prose will not be rewarded, but you will lose marks if the judges cannot understand the documentation.
  7. You must release the source code for free public use. You may specify the terms such as Eiffel Forum Freeware License or Free Software Foundation license. All submissions will be added to the Eiffel Forum archive.
  8. The closing date for submissions is 30 September 1998.

2. Judging

The panel of judges will devise a list of factors to consider, including these:

Each submission will be allocated to a set of judges. Each judge will award a mark between 0 and 10 for each factor. The marks for each submission will be summed, and the submissions ranked in order of the result. A different set of judges will evaluate the top five submissions again to arrive at a final rank.

3. Judges

The judges are:

4. Prizes

Each participant will receive a CD (offered by Object Tools) containing all submissions.

These prizes have been offered so far.

  1. US$ 2,000 (donated by NICE)
  2. US$ 1,000 (donated by Object Tools)

Participants placed 3 to 20 may choose (in order of rank) one of these:

A special prize made up of the following set of books (donated by Everything Eiffel) will be awarded to the highest-ranked entry released under the Eiffel Forum Freeware License:

If that competitor has already won a prize, he or she may choose between that prize and the special prize. The prize not chosen by the competitor is then offered to the next-highest-ranked EFFL entry, and so on until a competitor is reached who did not win any other prize.

    special_prize := eiffel_books_donated_by_everything_eiffel
    rank := 1
until rank > effl_entrants.count or special_prize = Void loop
    entrant := effl_entrants.item (rank)
    if entrant.prefers_special_prize then -- exchange prizes
        temp := entrant.prize -- will be void if no main prize won
        entrant.set_prize (special_prize)
        special_prize := temp
    rank := rank + 1

5. Result Announcement

Results will be published in December 1998, and the prizes will be delivered in time for Christmas.

6. Last Year (Struggle '97)

7. Eiffel: Getting Started

[ Eiffel Liberty (New) | GUERL | C++?? Critique | sOOap ] [ Top ]

Page is http://www.elj.com/eiffel/struggle98/cfp/
Last Modified: 07 Oct 1998 (Created: 06 May 98)